港鐵銅鑼灣站 F1 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (8)
品牌創立於2015年,集合肉店、雜貨店和英式餐飲三個元素,主張引入農場直送的優質食材,更供應不含激素、抗生素和生長刺激劑的肉類。 繼續閱讀
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (28)
等級3 2024-04-13
588 瀏覽
同老婆行完街之後夜晚想食間西餐,但又係唔知道邊度有咩好推介,行落利園二期,之後就見到呢間連鎖店。知道都幾出名,但係又好似未食過,所以就入去試吓。餐廳裝修其實好靚好恬靜,人唔多,地方好乾淨,音樂好柔和。呢間餐廳應該主打係食牛,但因為老婆今日唔舒服,所以冇食牛扒,就試咗個焗海鮮,而我就叫咗個牛肉批。第一次食呢款味道嘅焗海鮮,個海鮮味道非常之好食,好新鮮,應該係因為入面有青口有蜆帶出嚟嘅味道好香甜,特別係入面嗰個魚,真係好好食,又唔會好老,又有汁,配埋嗰啲甜椒,顏色好靚,味道又好好!然後個牛肉批,入面係超爆多餡,味道有啲似羅宋湯嗰種牛肉,有洋蔥味配得好香,個皮又薄又好酥脆,技術真係做得好好,好味道不得了!個肉批仲配埋個薯條,個薯條又係好好食,但係食唔晒,太飽 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2024-03-30
512 瀏覽
We have the late lunch at 2pm, so the restaurant is not so crowded. The deco is stylish and atmosphere is chill. I have the French onion soup. It is rich and full of onions. The sour dough bread is perfectly done with the cheese. My friend ordered beef tartar which is also good.The main is steak with fries. It is juicy and cooked perfectly. We have also ordered dessert Tiramisu (money added) 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-01-31
1238 瀏覽
2024.1.30 Tue😋 今晚去咗間好正扒房餐廳。好多男人3,5成群放工來happy。餐廳最特別係,想食牛扒,係要自己去門口凍肉櫃揀,好多款,不同國家,部位都有,揀完,之後返埋位,waiter會過來問你要煮幾成熟。🌟今次揀咗澳洲肉眼牛扒,肉質腍,牛味中上濃。廚師手勢好,煎得剛好,好香。配埋特製蘑菇醬,更野味。仲有好多特製醬揀(+$15)🌟炸薯條$78,炸大啡菇配黑松露$78,出色!🌟冬季松露闊蛋麵$238,都唔錯,闊麵口感煙韌,有咬口。🍷7pm前,酒類仲有buy1get1free 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-12-29
1087 瀏覽
嘩,Feather & Bone嘅T-bone steak真係彈牙得嚟又嫩滑,正宗嘅肉味夠晒香,又唔會肥膩咁,食落去一啖肉、一啖幸福嘅感覺。個肉略帶少少marbling,但係脂肪熔化得好均勻,滿口留香,咀嚼之間仿佛可以聽到佢唱歌咁,彈性十足🎵。旁邊嘅portobello mushroom又點會輸就噉擺?香濃得嚟唔膩口,真係火候拿捏得好準確,食落去滑嫩中帶點肉質感,補充返個steak嘅美味。仲有個凱撒雞肉沙律,潔白嘅雞肉加上鮮脆生菜,呢個開場白已經夠醒胃,令人期待下一道美妙嘅肉品🥗。內舖裝修高貴唔貴氣,服務員又友善得滯,對我哋嘅提問都有禮貌回答,真係好加分👍。哇,諗起嗰碟肉又想食多次!Feather & Bone,你賣嘅唔單止係扒,係一段幸福嘅時光啊。 繼續閱讀
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推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥香港的西餐廳有很多,亦有很多餐廳是主打牛扒,但是要搵質素高的西餐廳真是不容易。這間餐廳絕對值得推介,除了烹調的手法出色外,最特別的是顧客可以在肉枱上,直接揀選自己最喜歡的牛肉,再由專業的廚師按客人喜歡的生熟程度去烹調。餐廳提供的熟成牛肉,品質非常高,浴室鮮嫩,烹調後留有有大量肉汁。而且餐廳亦有威靈頓牛柳提供,這款菜式是在其他餐廳比較少看到。Hong Kong has a plethora of Western restaurants, many of which specialize in steaks. However, finding a high-quality Western restaurant can be quite a challenge. This restaurant is definitely worth recommending as it not only excels in cooking techniques but also offers a unique experience where customers can personally select their favorite cuts of beef from the butcher's table and have them cooked to their preferred level of doneness by skilled chefs. The restaurant offers top-quality aged beef, which is exceptionally tender and retains a generous amount of succulent juices after cooking. Additionally, the restaurant also offers Wellington Beef Fillet, a dish that is not commonly found elsewhere.牛前腰脊肉 (按重量計價 Priced by Weight)Tenderloin這款脊肉看起上來好像非常瘦,但吃起來十分柔軟,而且有少量脂肪,吃起來十分甘香The Tenderloin may appear lean at first glance, but it is surprisingly tender and boasts a delightful touch of fat, resulting in a rich and savory flavor when consumed.蝦多士 ($88)Shrimp Toast蝦多士是一個非常考功夫的菜式,如果做得不好的話,麵包很容易顯得油膩,但這個卻做到恰到好處,麵包非常香脆之餘又不會太油,麵包面上的芝麻亦非常香,內裏的蝦肉餡料是非常豐富The Prawn Toast is a dish that showcases exceptional culinary skills. If not executed properly, the bread can easily become greasy, but this restaurant has achieved the perfect balance. The bread is wonderfully crispy without being overly oily, and the sesame seeds on the surface add a delightful fragrance. The filling inside, made with ample shrimp, is incredibly flavorful.雞肉凱撒沙律 ($168) Chicken Caesar Salad雞肉凱撒沙律看起來是一款平平無奇的菜式,沙律的蔬菜非常新鮮,驚喜的是雞肉非常鮮嫩The Chicken Caesar Salad may seem like a mundane dish, but the salad greens are incredibly fresh, and the chicken is remarkably tender.牛面脥水管意粉 ($228)Savory Beef Rigatoni Pasta這個意大利粉絕對值得推介,牛肉煮得非常腍,有入口即溶的感覺,但亦不會失去牛肉的味道,如水管意粉煮得非常彈牙,吸收了番茄汁後十分開胃The pasta dish is absolutely worth recommending, with the beef cooked to perfection, offering a melt-in-your-mouth sensation while still preserving the distinct flavor of the beef. The spaghetti is perfectly al dente and pairs wonderfully with the tomato sauce, creating an appetizing combination.青醬芝士螺絲粉 ($228)Creamy Pesto and Cheese Fusilli這款看似是十分膩的菜式,但廚師卻炮製得非常出色,因為通常青醬的意粉會比較油膩,但這個卻沒有,配搭上香濃的芝士,令這個意粉的味道得到提升,不像是一個素菜的意粉This seemingly rich dish is expertly prepared by the chef. While pesto pasta dishes can often be greasy, this one is not. The addition of creamy cheese elevates the flavor and turns it into a more sophisticated vegetarian pasta dish.封門柳 (按重量計價 Priced by Weight)Hanger steak挑選這個牛柳的時候還擔心會太瘦,不過肉枱的職員極力推薦,果然沒有令我們失望,這款牛柳的牛肉味非常濃,而且肉質亦不會太堅韌When selecting the hanger steak, we were initially concerned that it might be too lean, but the staff at the butcher's table highly recommended it, and it certainly didn't disappoint. The beef fillet is packed with intense beef flavors, and the texture is pleasing, without being overly firm.海鹽薯條 ($78)Chips海鹽薯條是配菜之一,算是一款非常穩陣的菜式,薯條炸得非常香脆,亦不會太鹹The sea salt fries, one of the side dishes, are a reliable and delightful accompaniment. The fries are fried to perfection, wonderfully crisp, and not overly salty.烤磨菇 ($78)Mushroom這款外表平平無奇的烤蘑菇,卻令人十分驚喜,蘑菇不會烤得非常乾之外,廚師應該用了特製的調味,所以吃起來的層次非常豐富The seemingly ordinary grilled mushrooms are surprisingly delightful. The mushrooms are not overly dry from grilling and seem to have been seasoned with a special blend, resulting in a multi-layered flavor profile.烤西蘭花 ($78)Chargrilled Broccolini這款烤西蘭花比較令人失望,味道有點像蒜蓉炒菜心的感覺,沒有太大的驚喜The roasted broccolini was a bit underwhelming, tasting similar to garlic stir-fried vegetables without any significant surprises.鹽味朱古力慕絲 ($68)Salted Chocolate Mousse 原本以為這款甜品會非常甜,但鹽味卻中和了朱古力mousse的甜味,而且內裏的焦糖醬加上忌廉,令人吃完這個甜品之後覺得有一種幸福的感覺Initially, we expected this dessert to be overly sweet, but the touch of salt balanced the sweetness of the chocolate mousse. The caramel sauce and cream inside create a sense of pure happiness after finishing this dessert.Sauvignon ($98)餐廳每個月都會有一款推介的紅酒或白酒,是次揀選了這款紅酒,最適合配搭牛肉,不會太難入口,但渴後有淡淡的果香The restaurant offers a monthly featured red or white wine, and we selected the red wine, which paired perfectly with the beef. It is not too heavy on the palate but offers a subtle fruity aroma.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments:  🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥✅每款食物的味道及質素都非常高,而且每次也能保持水準,餐牌亦會定時換上時令的菜式Each dish demonstrates exceptional flavor and quality, consistent with each visit. The menu is regularly updated to incorporate seasonal ingredients.❌食物款式的選擇不是太多,而且主要以牛肉為主While the selection of dishes is not extensive, the focus is primarily on beef.🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅餐廳的裝修充滿美式情懷,座位亦非常寬敞The restaurant's decor exudes an American ambiance, and the seating area is spacious.❌無NIL💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生會向客人推介菜式,而肉枱的職員亦會細心睇客人揀選最合適的食物The servers are knowledgeable in recommending dishes, and the staff at the butcher's table are attentive in helping guests select the most suitable food options.❌無NIL💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅雖然食物的品質非常高,但是卻沒有收取非常高昂的價錢,性價比十分高Despite the high quality of the food, the prices are reasonable, offering great value for money.❌無NIL 繼續閱讀
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