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食評 (497)
等級4 2024-02-19
1245 瀏覽
Bringing my dear dog friend to a SaiKung pet friendly restaurant during weekend was definitely a patience challenge. It was packed even during late afternoon. We patiently queued even staff reminded it would take long. Glad they gave us a smaller table that we didnt mind to squeeze in. We requested the shashuka, ragu beef pappardelle and french toasts. Shashuka was served with three slices of sourdough. It's kind of a fusion one instead of the traditional. It was watery and on a bell peppers side with two poached eggs.Traditionally ones were tomato based and with two baked eggs. Poached eggs were cooked perfectly with oozing egg yolk. Combining with the diced tomatoes, bell peppers and onions, perfect for dipping. Feta cheese didnt give any flavour to the dish and they were pretty hard and lumpy. My friend couldnt even fork it through and found it too heavy and decided to give it up. It would be grateful if 4-5 pieces of bread were served so at least half of the dish could be eaten as a dip. Taste alright.Ragu beef pappardelle was pretty nice. Melty shredded ragu was cooked beautifully. Savoury and beefy. Added so much meatiness to the marinara. Pappardelle was slight overcooked that a bit soft and sticking together. Overall, the ragu sauce saved it.French toast was served elegantly. Dusted with powdered sugar and cinnamon with the drizzling honey for a glossiness. Definitely instagrammable. Brioche based french toast was soft and buttery. Very indulgent. Love they used mascarpone instead of traditional whipped cream for an extra milkineas and lightness. Even cinnamon might be generously used, it gave just a mild aroma to the dish and paired perfectly with the pistachio and honey. Pistachio nibbles gave a crunch. It was an indulgence. No wonder most of the tables ordered this. Overall, it was a pretty big restaurant with both indoor and outdoor seatings. Nice to bring along your pets and atmosphere was chill. Food was okay. Quite a good idea to have a chillax afternoon here. 繼續閱讀
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想過黎食麵包,餐廳裝修白色調爲主,煙三文魚配麥包,麵包出色過三文魚,三文魚有d似預製品,商場可以買到既味道,但係唔影響三文魚包好食,擠埋檸檬汁上去,三文魚都俾得比較多,芝麻葉、檸檬好惹味,麵包烘完帶少少脆口,入邊煙韌,總體搭配好好食;早餐多士主要蔬菜為主,牛油果蓉,淋埋芝士汁,早餐食好食既麵包開啓美好一天。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-04-16
205 瀏覽
Weekend入西貢郊遊 見到呢間大排長龍cafe就排埋一份食個brunch😋雖然條隊幾長 但table turnover都ok快 所以都唔使等好耐Menu所有dishes都好吸引好想試 一時之間都諗唔揀咩好最後同朋友order左一鹹一甜breakfast bowl 同Red Dragon Bowl share食Breakfast Bowl 整體配搭好豐富 有scrambled eggs, avocado, sweet potato, cherry tomatoes etc. 尤其係蕃茄仔嘅調味再配搭埋goat cheese 好好食❤️Red Dragon Bowl香蕉+火龍果+椰奶 mixed smoothie 食到有細細嘅冰碎 口感好fresh好清爽 最啱炎炎夏日配搭埋紅石榴籽 好睇又有層次 大推😋另外仲order左杯Iced Latte 口味偏nutty 鍾意嘅朋友都值得一試 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-04-12
141 瀏覽
Little Cove Espresso早排長假期留港消費我地就入左西貢望下山望下海而呢間Little Cove 都好出名每次經過都見到大排長龍居然比我地撞到冇咩人排隊Cafe分室外及室內座位如果帶寵物既就只可以選擇室外我地今次就叫左兩款早餐:1. Smoked Salmon on Sourdough Rye $130  叫到附近好多人都係叫呢個賣相十分吸引!! 有勁多塊煙三文魚再配埋百里香、火箭菜同Sour Cream完全中和左煙三文魚既油膩感而且又令到成個味道更豐富好好味🤤可惜既係Sourdough冇烘過  如果脆口D會更好食2. Pulled Pork Benedict $145手撕豬份量好多而且好惹味!豬肉既香配流心蛋、菠菜、青蘋果條同Hollandaise整體味道唔錯! 健康得泥又好食 3. Dirty $42另外仲叫左杯Dirty咖啡就一般般唔算特別好飲如果入到西頁玩又想食得Light dLittle Cove絕對係好選擇! 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2024-04-05
193 瀏覽
之前食過堅尼地城既分店,食唔到French Toast,念念不忘,終於今日有機會試到💪💪💪因為之前食午餐未消化完,所以淨係叫左兩杯smoothie和French ToastMango Smoothie和Banana & Mixed Berry Smoothie ,芒果味唔算太濃,普普通通。Banana & Mixed Berry Smoothie,香蕉味幾濃,反而唔係好飲到mixed berry 味道,都係飲咖啡好啲🤣主角出場,French Toast擺盤好靚,好啱相機食先🤣味道幾好,多士好軟熟,中間既芝士,淡淡芝士香,可以塗在多士一齊食👍原來仲想試下意粉,不過真係太飽,都係留返下次再試😋 繼續閱讀
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