餐廳: LAB EAT Restaurant & Bar (T.O.P This is Our Place)



港鐵旺角站 B4 出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (2)
12:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 23:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 AE 銀聯 JCB Apple Pay Google Pay 微信支付
Live Music
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食評 (1169)
等級4 2024-03-22
738 瀏覽
於旺角ᴛ.ᴏ.ᴘ這個年輕活力商場內,有家平民版的情調西餐廳。裝潢雅緻情調十足,配上私隱度高的美美卡座,一直是該區浪漫約會之選。.✿ ꜰʀᴇꜱʜ ᴏʏꜱᴛᴇʀ 💲68廚師推介新鮮生蠔 ,一客兩隻屬口感清爽帶海水味之類型。.✿ ꜱᴇᴀ ᴜʀᴄʜɪɴ ᴄʀᴏꜱᴛɪɴɪ 💲78海膽多士是餐廳必點必試的小食之一。爆量海膽,啖啖海水鮮味,口感綿滑分幾口也吃不完。.✿ ᴅᴜᴄᴋ ʟɪᴠᴇʀ ᴄʀᴏꜱᴛɪɴɪ 💲88法國鴨肝香蒜多士邪惡惹味,油脂感滿滿。.✿ ꜱᴛᴇᴀᴋ & ꜰʀɪᴇꜱ ꜱᴇᴛ 💲298於每星期六、日的下午三點至九點,餐廳會供應牛扒薯條套餐,除了有250ɢ 的炭燒美國極級西冷牛扒,而且薯條可以無限添加。薯條可跟配辣味蛋黃醬、黑松露蛋黃醬或蕃茄醬。牛扒炭燒味香濃,質素不錯。.✿ ꜱᴘᴀɴɪꜱʜ ʙᴀʙʏ ꜱQᴜɪᴅ & ꜱQᴜɪᴅ ɪɴᴋ ʀɪꜱᴏᴛᴛᴏ 💲268西班牙小魷魚墨汁意大利飯也是餐廳招牌子一的主食。顏色相當豐富,值得一試。.✿ ɪᴛᴀʟɪᴀɴ ᴘɪꜱᴛᴀᴄʜɪᴏ ɢᴇʟᴀᴛᴏ 💲98開心果控的友人衝着這個開心果巴菲而來。開心果的芭菲,加上大量開心果仁,加以果木煙燻效果,打卡度十足。.✿ ᴄɪɴɴᴀᴍᴏɴ ᴀᴘᴘʟᴇ ᴘɪᴇ & ᴄᴏᴏᴋɪᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴍ ɢᴇʟᴀᴛᴏ 💲128另外還選了另一款暖法式肉桂蘋果批配牛奶曲奇雪糕,為這一餐完美作結。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-03-08
656 瀏覽
I had a great time at LAB EAT Restaurant & Bar, where I enjoyed a variety of tapas, a casual set dinner, drinks and dessert. Here are some of the highlights:- Complimentary drink - passion fruit, soda, abit of rum, it is very refreshing.- Glaze Yellow Chicken Leg: This was a deep-fried delight, with a crunchy skin and tender meat.- Baked French Escargot: These were big and juicy, and cooked in a buttery garlic sauce. They were easy to scoop out of the shells, and melted in my mouth.- Chorizo & Potato: crispy hash brown topped with spicy chorizo. - Crab Meat & Salmon Roe: These were small but elegant, with a tart shell filled with creamy crab meat and topped with bright salmon roe. - Grilled Spanish Octopus: This was a tender and succulent octopus, grilled to perfection. The octopus had a nice char and a chewy texture.- Iberico Pork Sausage: This was a large and garlicky sausage. The sausage was juicy and rich, with a strong pork flavor and aroma.- Jet Fresh Oyster: These were fresh and briny oysters, served on ice with lemon and vinegar. They were smooth and slippery, and tasted like the sea.- Fried Blaze Mushroom - cheeses melt on top of soft mushroom and mashed potatoes.- Chef Creative of the day, The Sous Vide French Yellow Chicken Breast: which was very soft and juicy.- Rose fizz: This was a refreshing drink, made of rose, lychee, lemon and soda. It was sweet and floral, with a fizzy sensation. It was also very pretty, with a pink color and rose petals floating on top.- Blaster Mocktail - Treasure: This was an impressive drink, made of peach, honey and citron. A big bubble on top, which contained smoke. When I popped the bubble, the smoke came out and created a dramatic effect. The drink was sweet and fruity, with a citrusy aftertaste.- Cinnamon Apple Pie & Lemon Gelato: This was a delicious dessert, with a warm cinnamon apple pie and a cold lemon gelato. The pie had a flaky crust and a gooey filling, with chunks of apple and cinnamon spice. The gelato was refreshing and tangy, and balanced the sweetness of the pie. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-26
649 瀏覽
Lab eat Restaurant係T.O.P都一段時間係一間價錢比較親民嘅氣氛餐廳平時亦都見到唔少人會揀佢地餐廳慶祝見隔左一排無黎食過所以又黎拜訪Welcome drink 帶青瓜香氣嘅cocktail作welcome drink 入口好清爽!法國姫松茸蘑菇湯入口啖啖菌蓉充滿濃厚菌香質感好creamy蜜糖黃油雞鎚大大隻黃油雞雞鎚雞鎚皮烤得好香脆內裏雞鎚肉嫩滑juicy味道帶住香甜蜜糖香Grilled US prime Striploin Steak Striploin肉質充滿彈性肉味濃唔會過油膩入口帶嚼勁得黐又唔會過韌配埋無限free flow厚切薯條 正西班牙小魷魚墨汁意大利飯份量十足嘅意大利飯意大利飯上鋪滿小魷魚魷魚彈牙爽口 底下墨汁為意大利飯增添鮮味果木煙開心果芭菲開心果雪糕經煙燻燻香開心果芭菲上充滿開心果仁碎令開心果味道更香又增添脆口感Apple TreeApple l Ginger Ale 一杯充滿蘋果香又清爽嘅mocktail 繼續閱讀
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你諗下而家呢個年代,做咩都要講vibes,尤其是出街食飯,你唔覺得係舒服既環境底下食飯,就好似加左一重buff咁,零舍好食d咖咩?究竟係咩籠罩住我對眼?係啦!就係氣氛。👇🏻📌M A I N - ▪️ Prime Grade Beef Rib Eye Steak - $488/350g▫️ 最後主菜嗌埋個「炭燒美國極佳級牛肉眼扒」,嗌左岩岩好5成熟,肉眼肥瘦均勻,入口炭香味十足,而且牛味突出完全唔乾身,夠哂juicy,食落肉質仲好有咬口,相當軟腍,旁邊仲有芥末同埋薯角,呢個價錢食到prime grade而且有350g絕對係性價比高!📌P A S T A -▪️ Spaghetti Alle Carbonara - $238▫️ 第一道先黎個招牌「特色卡邦尼意粉」,意粉完滿咁做到掛汁,口感唔會太乾亦唔會太濕,相當creamy,而芝士香味停留係味蕾揮之不去,加上用意大利風乾火腿,鹹香到位,配上白酒就最fit!📌R I S O T T O - ▪️ French Yellow Chicken Breast & Pancetta Risotto - $268▫️ 第二道「慢煮法國黃油雞及煙肉意大利飯」,雞胸用上法國黃油雞,果然好有驚喜,雞胸除左經慢煮後肉質變得腍滑之外,雞胸既香味比起市面食開更食到濃郁雞味,而Risotto有咬口,當中夾雜住d Pancetta,口感更加豐富,好好食。📌D E S S E R T S -▪️ 2 ways tiramisu coffee&lemon - $98▫️ 甜品方面一定要試呢個「檸檬及咖啡意大利芝士餅」,tiramisu分左兩種口味,一次過滿足兩個願望,前者檸檬香味清新,而後者咖啡濃郁,唔會太苦澀,唔錯。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-05-15
0 瀏覽
呢個火腿沙律超級正,鹹鹹地,又容易入口。側邊嘅蔬菜又唔會太腍,仲好鮮甜。賣相都OK,食材配搭好自然。一流!羽衣甘藍更加唔使講,營養豐富,又好味。因為薯仔配搭,更加一試難忘!甜品都好出色,個雪糕雲呢拿味,細細隻有幾好食喎!芝士蛋糕雖然份量好細,但係非常之容易入口。呢兩款用嚟做飯後甜品的確一流!餐廳外邊嘅環境都好靚,食完飯仲可以出去打卡影相合照。整體嚟講成間餐廳都好舒適,而且燈光有少少昏暗,好有情調! 繼續閱讀
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