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食評 (47)
等級4 2024-04-27
289 瀏覽
食物既配搭幾特別, 淨係酸種麵包都有唔同既款式, 仲要都幾大份, 唔想食酸種麵包既話可以選擇食只有一款既漢堡😉OH MY GOD 🍄 ($179)烘到脆卜卜既酸種包沉浸左用Mozzarella, Cream, 黑松露, 托貝洛蘑菇去煮既超濃郁磨菇醬入面, 配上流心水波蛋同芝麻葉, 成件事好澎湃, 好食既不過食得多真係會有啲膩😝GRAVY TRAIN 🐔($150)辣辣地既Peri Peri 醬配上軟綿帶啲口感既雞肝, 水波蛋, 香菜, 脆卜卜既上用大蒜奶油煎過既酸種多士, 份量一樣多, 不過辣味成功令到成件事冇咁膩, 以女仔黎講食一半都飽, 另外仲加配左用辣醬做調味既牛油果食更加好食😋FANTASTIC VOYAGE🐮($190)手工牛肉丸配上加左帕瑪森芝士既番茄醬, 配左原味酸種麵包, 肉丸都幾大粒, 所以又係食幾啖會好快覺得膩🤪OG🍔($205)200g 牛肉漢堡配上gruyere cheese, 焦糖洋蔥, 番茄, 菠菜, 蒜頭夾係用奶油烘過既漢堡包中間, 口感係好豐富, 味道就正常發揮😚 呢度既食物都好大份, 所以建議可以分享黎食唔好一人一份😂 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-04-21
195 瀏覽
我好喜歡的sourdough店 久違了唔知係咪因為少咗人食 依家有lunch set價錢平咗好多 睇嚟可以去多啲THANK ME LATER $178Cape-Malay curried beef mince with a fried egg and coriander on toasted sourdough一層滿滿嘅免治牛辣辣哋 好惹味(想用嚟撈飯食再加埋隻煎蛋 唔錯唔錯sourdough一貫嘅水準 外層香脆 而入面就好濕潤BAKED EGGS ON BRIOCHE $155Breakfast Bun: scrambled eggs infused with mature aged gruyere, fresh chives, chili, garlic aioli, baby spinach, naturally leavened brioche bun好澎湃嘅炒蛋無諗過係咁有份量 差啲仲想on top加個雞肉😂好有蛋香 又嫩滑garlic aioli 都好出色 同個包好夾Brioche甜甜哋咁 都係我喜歡嘅味道試過咁多款 暫時款款都好味 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-05-28
0 瀏覽
Food is overpriced and service is awful. Paying customers are treated like they are unwelcome! It’s so shameful. No wonder they have such a bad reputation - just read the Google reviews and see the owner’s replies about the poor service and the food. It’s so defensive and childish it’s almost comical. I was having lunch and we were a party of 3. So 3 dishes and 3 drinks etc. We were seated in a table for 2 and that was all fine until the cutlery was set and we already found ourselves struggling with the space and our cutlery was falling on the floor because of the tight space. There were two tables for 4 people available and I requested we move there but was told that is only for 4+ people. We ordered these massive plates and really struggled for the next 80 minutes while those tables for 4 remained empty. Actually a group of 4 did come in, ordered drinks (no food) and left in 30ish min but there was always 1 if not 2 empty tables for us available the whole time - so we left feeling bitter about the whole experience.I believe in serving the customers who are actually present in the restaurant rather than focus on imaginary customers that may come in. And as a group of 3 I do also believe an exception can be made to be seated in the table of 4 - I think this is standard restaurant practice. Especially when two tables are empty. I used to go to this restaurant once in a while, now I stay away because I’ve received bad service way too many times so not worth the money I’m paying. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-04-22
74 瀏覽
The quality of the sour is going downhill. The worst I ever had. Take away sourdough bread $70 for half load $140 for full load$70 for a cinnnamon roll . Normal bread with added vinegar! Unknown additives. CGM shown huge glucose spike. Think twice before you buy. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-04-08
122 瀏覽
以前係soho小店嘅時候好好多,調味剛剛好,d包外脆內軟而且唔會比d汁整到淋曬。今次呢個thank me later食落似大家樂d肉醬,份量多,但係味道非常單一,sourdough 雖然邊仲係脆,但係d包已經好似海綿咁,吸曬d汁,淋曬好似一pat野。一大pat肉醬加隻煎蛋加個sourdough,收你200蚊仲要唔好食。真係無下次。而且感覺餐廳有少少污糟,d水杯有跡,然後keep住有d蚊飛黎飛去。體驗都真係好麻麻。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)