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食評 (38)
等級2 2024-05-25
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👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 生煎包個皮無味得黎硬到咬唔入。裡面d 湯似水多過似湯。肉嘅質地同陣味都勁怪 ,食落係「穌」嘅。懷疑佢究竟用咗d咩肉? 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 排骨蔥油撈麵 個撈麵又無蔥味又無油味。完全係豉油撈麵。仲要係無香味嗰種劣質豉油。食兩啖就鹹到條脷俾晒。至於所謂排骨就係一塊放到散曬嘅炸豬排。又乾又鞋又無味完全唔係嗰回事。🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲成餐飯,基本食左頭一啖已經唔想再食 。食多兩啖直頭想反胃。舖頭環境狹窄 ,服務態度0之餘 ,食完個身成陣油煙味。成晚口喝到缺水咁。後悔無睇食評去,真心唔知點解可以整到d 野甘難食?都仲好意思開鋪頭!向屋企淥個炒麵王無甘嬲。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-05-22
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劉興記生煎包專門店(文咸街)地址 :上環文咸東街2號地舖上環區一口氣開了多間門舖,上灣街就有兩間了。這美食生煎包,也有其他上海麵食及點心中午餐 五十來元起,要了6隻生煎包加酸辣湯架set ,6隻食先夠爽,皮煎到金黃脆身,偏餡肉汁爆出,是極咕呀。去得快流量 熱辣辣,要提就是小心燙口酸辣湯有雞絲,豆腐 ,木耳,熱熱的盛出甚好喝豆漿也可以解溫,因包同湯都好熱 ,過過冷海。位唔多,中午外賣最好落定帶先去拎。 快好多 時間寶貴 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-05-22
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🔹️店舖地方簡潔衛生, 抽風良好、食完唔會成身油煙味👍食物新鮮美味😋 服務稱心滿意👨‍💼👩🏻‍💼 價錢親民💰🔸️招牌生煎包🧆一啖咬落去, 便自然爆汁, 爆汁份量足一湯匙🥄肉質鮮嫩👍🔸️蟹黃生煎包🦀🧆除了爆汁外, 還有滿滿鮮甜甘香蟹黃, 超Yummy😋🔸️鮮雞湯小雲吞🥟以清香鮮雞湯店, 皮薄肉嫩小雲吞加蛋絲和菜遠, 越食越滋味👍🔸️麻醬手撕雞粉皮🍜以嫩滑手撕雞、香脆芝麻、爽口青瓜絲和幼滑粉皮配上惹味麻醬So good🥢🔸️雞絲酸辣湯🥣以嫩滑雞絲、筍、黑木耳、豆腐材料, 湯底酸辣味道恰度好處, 開胃之選👍🔸️手功豆沙窩餅🫓外皮香脆煙韌, 內餡香甜軟滑😋🔸️低糖豆漿🥛以健康低糖、充滿自然豆香味🤤 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2024-05-21
52 瀏覽
諗住食生煎包唔會難食… 點知真係好唔掂。 生煎包好似已經煮好咗好耐之後拎返出嚟。一啲都唔熱。 豬肉唔係新鮮嗰隻。 套餐真係好難食配搭真係唔係幾好。我選擇咗雞絲撈粉皮套餐,我覺得好難食啲花生醬都唔靚,一直好似食緊花生醬撈麵。 Had lunch here and the buns were not hot and the pork used was also not fresh. For what I got I don’t feel it tasted good at all. It was passable at best. 繼續閱讀
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Renowned for the pan-fried buns, this shop has expanded its business to a great extent by opening quite a number of new chain stores within a short period of time. A multitude of foodies have dropped by it recently. Some said that they were amazing but some said the dining experience was barely eligible. Being curious, I had a visit to it.👍🏿Signature Pan-fried buns $45/6pcs (7/10)As their signature, I ordered it without any hesitation. It was served within 5 mins after I had ordered. Such a pity that the buns were not hot enough, but in a warm condition. The bottom was crunchy and I didn’t feel greasy, which is good. The bun was juicy and pork inside was thoroughly seasoned well. As what I have mentioned, it should taste better if it is hotter🥴👍🏿Set 2 $54 (7/10)(Green bean noodles & shredded chicken w/ seasame sauce, signature pan-fried buns x2, soy milk)Served with several items, it was absolutely price-worthy. Green bean noodles are one of the common dish in Shanghai cuisine. It was quite crispy, which was solid. Surprisingly the shredded chicken was silky and tender. The whole thing absorbed the essence quite well. However, this was the prime cause of receiving overall average results. The sauce was added in a large amount, which was a bit too much. It could be surely better if sauce is reduced. 👍🏿Fried mini wontons $25/12pcs (7.5/10)Tbh, the translation of this dish in the menu is quite weird lol. Back to the case, wontons were super crispy. Even your neighbour sitting next to you would hear the chewing sound when you eat🤣Being not too salty and oily, the wonton was actually legit.In short, the food was quite good with a few acceptable faults. However, it was not as impressive as what influencers said on social media. So true that the shop offers an affordable price, which can be one of the reason worth giving a try.🤪 繼續閱讀
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